Cartland Barbara
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ebookpoint BIBLIO
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Sekuła Aleksandra
Kozioł Paweł
Bekker Alfred
Vandenberg Patricia
Kochanowski Jan
Cartland Barbara
Doyle Arthur Conan
Wallace Edgar
Kotwica Wojciech
Konopnicka Maria
Kowalska Dorota
Shakespeare William
Sienkiewicz Henryk (1846-1916)
Dickens Charles
Leśmian Bolesław
Mickiewicz Adam
Verne Jules
Boy-Żeleński Tadeusz
Krasicki Ignacy
Twain Mark
Buchner Friederike von
May Karol
Hackett Pete
Krzyżanowski Julian
Maybach Viola
Waidacher Toni
London Jack
Prus Bolesław
Poe Edgar Allan
Baczyński Krzysztof Kamil
Sienkiewicz Henryk
Roberts Nora (1950- )
May Karl
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Orzeszkowa Eliza
Conrad Joseph
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy (1812-1887)
Żeleński Tadeusz (1874-1941)
Żeromski Stefan (1864-1925)
Brand Max
Słowacki Juliusz
Jachowicz Stanisław
Balzac Honoré de
Otwinowska Barbara
Montgomery Lucy Maud
Christie Agatha (1890-1976)
King Stephen
Kipling Rudyard
Rawinis Marian Piotr
Marciniakówna Anna
Dönges Günter
Howard Robert E
Austen Jane
Mahr Kurt
Darlton Clark
Ewers H.G
Shakespeare William (1564-1616)
Andersen Hans Christian
Донцова Дарья
Barca Pedro Calderón de la
Siemianowski Roch (1950- )
Vega Lope de
Rolando Bianka
Trzeciak Weronika
Stevenson Robert Louis
Kühnemann Andreas
Калинина Дарья
Leblanc Maurice
Ziajkiewicz Artur
Czechowicz Józef
Francis H.G
Mickiewicz Adam (1798-1855)
Brzechwa Jan (1900-1966)
Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
Vlcek Ernst
Barner G.F
Wells H. G
Autores Varios
Verne Juliusz
Alcott Louisa May
Chávez José Pérez
Ellmer Arndt
Fabianowska Małgorzata
Żeromski Stefan
Curant Catrina
Korzeniewski Wiktor
Dołęga-Mostowicz Tadeusz
Montgomery Lucy Maud (1874-1942)
Palmer Roy
Szulc Andrzej
Wilde Oscar
Grey Zane
Voltz William
Liebert Jerzy
Drewnowski Jacek (1974- )
White Fred M
Biel Mirella
Goliński Zbigniew
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
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643 wyniki Filtruj
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Der Herzog von Darlington führt das unbeschwerte Leben eines Junggesellen. Das ändert sich schlagartig, als er sein Mündel Felica zu sich nimmt. Vor vielen Jahren hatte er das Kind aus der Gewalt seines brutalen Vaters gerettet und in einem Internat untergebracht. Felica, inzwischen eine entzückende junge Dame, hat nun ihre Ausbildung beendet und soll eine Zeitlang bei ihm leben, bis er den richtigen Ehemann für sie gefunden hat. Darlington spürt bald, daß Felica ganz anders ist als die meisten Mädchen ihres Alters: Wegen ihrer schrecklichen Kindheitserlebnisse hat sie panische Angst vor Männern. Als er sie abermals aus großer Gefahr befreien kann, erkennt er, daß er sich unsterblich in sie verliebt hat. Wie, so fragt er sich, kann er Felica ihre Angst vor Männern nehmen, so daß sie seine Liebe vielleicht erwidern kann?
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Norman Melton hat sich aus armen Verhältnissen zum Besitzer der Melton Motor Company hochgearbeitet und ist nun ein Millionär, der ehrgeizig an weiteren Projekten arbeitet. Er wurde in den Adelsstand erhoben und war in erster Ehe mit einer Adligen verheiratet. Diese Ehe war sehr unglücklich, da Lady Evelyn Cleeve, die verwitwete Tochter des Earl of Brora, ihrem ersten Gatten nachtrauerte, der verunglückt war und Norman nur aus finanziellen Gründen geheiratet hatte. Sogar ihre Tochter Skye aus erster Ehe hatte sie vernachlässigt. Norman hat ein sehr gutes Verhältnis zu seiner Stieftochter, die mittlerweile erwachsen ist. Norman verliebt sich in die junge und sehre hübsche Schauspielerin Carlotta Lenshovski. Sie ist russischer Herkunft und stammt aus der Romanoff Familie. Während sie mit Norman liiert ist, trifft sie auch den Arzt Hector McCleod und verliebt sich in ihn. Dieser jedoch stammt aus derselben Gegend wie Skye und als er diese wieder trifft, beschließen sie zu heiraten, was dem Earl of Brora sehr missfällt, da Hector der Sohn eines sein Pächter ist. Hector steckt noch in seiner Ausbildung. Um den Earl umzustimmen, ziehen Skye und Hector zusammen, und hoffen somit eine Zustimmung zu erzwingen. Carlotta entschließt sich gegen ihrer Gefühle und aus finanziellen Gründen, Norman zu heiraten. Werden Hector und Skye den Earl of Brora umstimmen können und den Bund der Ehe schließen, so dass sie unbeschwert zusammenleben können? Werden Norman und Carlotta zusammenfinden und sich besser kennenlernen, so dass sie das Glück des Familienlebens finden, nach dem sie sich sehnen?
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Larina Milton, eine sehr junge und hübsche Arzttochter findet sich allein in London wieder, nachdem zuerst ihr Vater und dann ihre Mutter an Schwindsucht gestorben sind. Während der Zeit in der sie die Mutter in der Schweiz pflegte lernte sie den Amerikaner Elvin Vanderfeld kennen, der auch aufgrund seiner Krankheit im Sanatorium war. Nach dem Tod der Mutter kehrt Larina nach London zurück und sucht auf Anraten des Schweizer Arztes den königlichen Leibarzt auf, um sich auf Schwindsucht testen zu lasten. Dieser behauptet nun, dass Larina nur noch 21 Tage zu leben hat, da sie angeblich an einer Herzschwäche leidet. In ihrer Not schreibt sie Elvin, da dieser ihr versprochen hatte, ihr im Falle des Todes Beistand zu leisten. Elvin's Familie erhält Larina's Nachricht am Tage von Elvins Beerdigung. Die Familie ist sehr wohlhabend und fürchtet nun, dass Larina Elvin erpressen möchte. Sie senden Elvin's Bruder Wynstan nach Italien, so dass dieser Larina dort treffen und den Grund herausfinden kann, warum sie Elvin dringend sehen will. Nachdem sie ihr letztes Geld ausgibt, reist Larina nach Italien, das sie schon seit langem sehen wollte und trifft dort in einer Villa, die die Familie Vanderfeld besitzt Wynstan; dieser teilt ihr jedoch nichts vom Tode des Bruders mit und versucht während einiger Ausflüge den Grund herauszufinden, warum Larina seinen Bruder sprechen will. Wird Wystan seine Aphrodite, die Göttin der Schönheit und Liebe finden? Wird Larina noch genügend Zeit haben, sich trotz ihrer angelblichen Krankheit der aufrichtigen Liebe zu erfreuen und ihren Apollo treffen?
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When a startlingly beautiful young girl with brilliant red-golden hair falls at speed from her horse before him, the dashingly handsome Osric, Earl of Helstone is uncharacteristically caught off his guard. Not only one of the richest men in England but also, in many women's opinion, by far the best-looking, 'The Elusive Earl' as he is known, is accustomed to Society Beauties falling at his feet – but not in so literal a fashion! Rushing to her aid, he finds that the girl has not fallen – but made her horse throw her deliberately in a cunning ruse to talk to him without her groom being aware. She introduces herself as Calista, the headstrong daughter of Lady Chevington and warns the Earl he must decline her mother's invitation to stay at her estate for the duration of the Epsom Races, claiming that her mother is bent on duping him into marrying Calista. Laughing at the claim, the Earl accepts the invitation to Chevington Court – and in no time finds himself tricked into a compromising position, the only escape from which is marriage to Calista – just as she warned. But just he begins reluctantly to accept he must marry the young beauty who, after all, shares his passion for horses, Calista disappears and, at the request of a surprisingly frantic Lady Chevington, the Earl goes in search of her. Finally finding her and her beloved horse performing in a circus, he tries to bring her home but falls foul of a vicious "Strong Man" and is terribly injured. And as she patiently nurses her saviour back to health, Calista realises that she is in love. If only the Earl felt the same way too.
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Internationally celebrated musician, Paul Ferraris plays the violin like an angel, but since his beloved wife passed away he and beautiful young daughter Gisela have been almost destitute. Now desperate, they arrive in Vienna, where Paul is much admired and sure of finding work in one of the great theatres. In the pitch black of the Vienna Woods at night, Gisela's rescued from a rabble of rowdy students by a mysterious stranger. And even in the total darkness, somehow, she knows she's safe with him – and somehow she falls into his arms in a rapturous, unseeing kiss. With her father busily rehearsing for a major concert and love blossoming in her heart, life for Gisela is heavenly. But then in the very woods where they first kissed, her handsome stranger breaks the spell with the revelation that he's a Prince, heir to the Hungarian throne, and that he is leaving her forever to spare her the humiliation of a Royal family who will never accept the daughter of a mere musician. Gisela's fairy tale turns sourer still as her father faces death in a duel – to lose her beloved Papa as well as the love of her life is simply too much to bear.
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When her mother dies, lovely Sylvia Mace is left penniless and homeless. Rather than depend on the charity of her unpleasant uncle she must find work and is entrusted with the upbringing of Sir Robert's daughter at Sheldon Hall. But a sinister secret overshadows all those living at the Hall, which is ruled by a possessive and ambitious old dowager, Lady Clementine. In a cruel twist of fate, a murder is revealed by a spurned mistress leading to another death, and Sylvia must choose between her love of the child and her hidden love for Sir Robert. With few people she can trust, she runs to safety, but her ward lies dangerously ill. How the secrets of the past are exposed, and how she returns to the Hall to save the lives of those she loves are all revealed in this thrilling tale of betrayal, lies and overwhelming love.
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Rivalled only by the King's mistress, Lady Panthea Vyne was the most widely adored young beauty at the sumptuous Court of Charles II. But she could only think of the mysterious highwayman who had once saved her from a harrowing life of misery and shame - and now she learned he was under a sentence of death. Just as she despaired of ever clearing his name, she felt the full fury of the King's mistress. With all evidence pointing to her, she, Panthea, was being charged with murder! And the only way to clear herself was to betray the man she loved....
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Fábia ajoelhou-se no chão, de mãos postas e cabeça baixa. Escondido na semi-escuridão do quarto, o Duque a observava, fascinado. De repente, notou que ela estava envolta numa luz estranha, que não vinha da lua, mas sim qualquer coisa... sobrenatural! E então, ele compreendeu tudo o que, sempre tinha negado. Como Fábia costumava dizer, havia uma espécie de magia, naquela casa. As vibrações dos seus antepassados, os que lá moraram, permaneciam ali, continuavam no ar e foram essas forças misteriosas que o traíram, pois era ironia do destino, depois de tantos anos de ausência, acabar por encontrar naquela casa, a mulher que lhe estava destinada...,
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Fleeing her scheming stepmother and a forced marriage, beautiful young heiress Thelma Fernhurst stumbles across a magnificent house like the Fairy Palace of her dreams. More amazing still, in its grounds she finds a circus, complete with lions and tigers and a Big Top – and loses her heart to its dashing owner, the Earl of Merstone! But the runaway's dream turns to a nightmare when Thelma discovers that the Earl has an evil, scheming relative of his own – and unless a trembling Thelma can save him from a ravenous tiger, the Circus of Love will turn to a Circus of Death!
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An innocent eighteen-year-old English Beauty Aldrina becomes reluctant Queen of the sun-kissed Aegean land of Saria after an arranged marriage to a dying King… Now her husband's dead, an evil, depraved Prince lusts relentlessly after her Throne – and her body… Fleeing to an isolated "Fairytale Palace" by the sea, she meets a Greek God in human form as she helps him haul his boat ashore. And this impossibly handsome stranger – the Apollo to Aldrina's Aphrodite – changes her life forever…
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It is bad enough that the beautiful Manella's heartless uncle is threatening to sell her adorable English Setter, Flash and her beloved horse, Heron. But when he dashes all her hopes and dreams with a forced marriage to an aging, decrepit but rich Duke, she flees astride Heron with Flash at her heels to a rural village where she finds employment as the Marquis of Buckingdon's cook. Out of the frying pan and into the fire, she is embroiled first in a wicked poison plot and then highway robbery And, as her trusty animals save the day and the dashing Marquis saves her life, Manella realises that she has now lost her heart.
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"Você é uma jovem muito sortuda! Você irá casar-se muito em breve com Lord Waltingham! Disse o padrasto de Daniela Colwyn anunciando-lhe que iria casar-se com o seu amigo, a quem ele presava por ser rico e recatado. Daniela Colwyn ouviu, com horror, as palavras do seu padrasto, que iria se casar com um homem que tinha idade para ser eu pai e a quem ela desprezava. Sem pensar, juntou uns quantos pertences e fugiu de casa. Desprotegida, sem dinheiro ou amigos que a socorressem, Daniela viu-se forçada a integrar um grupo de teatro, substituindo uma das cantoras das Belles, que se encontrava doente, e que pertencia a Basil Banks show. Three Belles, espetáculo de Music Hall, iria ao Castelo do Conde de Huntingford alegrar uma festa exclusivamente masculina. Daniela, cantou, com tanta intensidade e emoção, transmitindo na sua performance, rara tristeza e solidão, que o Conde ficou perplexo e arrebatado por ela. Imediatamente se declarou, oferecendo-lhe mais do que amor, a quem estava só no mundo e sem destino seguro. Que iria ela fazer perante este comportamento do Conde? Ela estava presa a uma teia de mentiras e a uma armadilha que não sabia como iria sair…
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Jilted by her fiancé Tim, Mela MacDonald felt nothing but despair. Desperate to heal her wounded heart she travels from Canada to war torn England, to work for her Uncle, an important government official in the war effort. But on her arrival she finds her Uncle has been murdered – set on unravelling the mystery of his death, she teams up with Peter Flacton, an up-and-coming politician. As their investigations put them in a compromising position, and still too miserable to care what happens to her, Mela makes a reckless decision. But what she hadn't counted on was meeting Tim again. Told in her own words, Mela describes how they solve the mystery of her Uncle's death and how she discovers where her true love lies, in this passionate adventure of love and intrigue.
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Poor Wade. Not only does he have to cope with his immense wealth, a Social standing outranked only by Royalty and the devastating looks that have beauties falling at his feet… now he has inherited the Dukedom of Mortlyn. It is all so boring! Worse still, his staff expect him to waste time accommodating some pretty Rector's daughter. Why? he demands – and to his amusement and scorn he is told the villagers believe she is a 'White Witch' who cures them of all ills. But, when he meets the wise, mysterious and beautiful Selma, his scepticism dissolves. Now and forever, he is utterly spellbound.
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Left penniless and alone after her parents' sudden deaths, beautiful young Alina Langley is desperate to earn some money to pay off their debts when, quite out of the blue, her friend the glamorous Denise Sedgewick, arrives at her home from London in a smart carriage. Now a famous Society beauty she has come to ask Alina for help. The man Denise loves has gone to Rome, upset after Denise deliberately made him jealous at a party and Denise is desperate to follow him and win him back. Her plan is to travel with her cousin, Lord Teverton, who is on a special Diplomatic mission for the Prime Minister, but her father will not let her go without a proper chaperone. Since there is no one else she can really trust, she persuades Alina to pretend to be her mother, Lady Langley. Dressed as a sophisticated woman of nearly forty when she is just twenty, Alina meets the unfriendly but handsome Lord Teverton, who is instantly entranced by her. The trouble is, so is the persistently amorous Prince Alberto Borghese, who pursues Alina with considerable determination and cunning. And when Lord Teverton comes not once but twice to her rescue, Alina realises that she has fallen completely in love with him, but how can she explain that she is not the woman of the world she pretends to be but a simple girl who has never before been kissed?
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Paris, 1802. The French Revolution is over, but Madame Guillotine still casts a long and bloody shadow over the last of the Aristocracy. In the bowels of the Château de Marigny, the beautiful young Comtesse Lynetta hides in terror – until her Knight in Shining Armour appears. Smitten by her delicate loveliness, the dashingly decadent Darril, Earl of Charncliffe rolls her up in a rug like Cleopatra and whisks her away under the nose of Napoleon Bonaparte himself. Posing as honeymooning newlyweds, they flee with a gang of bloodthirsty revolutionaries hard on their heels and, hardly daring to believe that she has not lost her head to the guillotine, a trembling Lynetta suddenly knows that she has lost her heart.
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The beautiful Lencia is the image of her dear departed Mama and so is still the apple of the eye of her widowed father, the Earl of Armeron. Knowing how deeply Lencia and her younger sister, Alice, are missing their mother, their father promises to take them to see the fabulous historic Châteaux of the Loire Valley in France of which the most exciting and impressive of all is Château Chaumont. But to their chagrin, their hopes are totally dashed when the Earl returns from a trip to the South of France with a new wife on his arm, a stepmother who sees Lencia's beauty as distinct competition for her husband's attention and so she becomes increasingly hostile to the two sisters. Nevertheless the sisters have their hearts set on their French adventure and set off in secret, Lencia disguised in her late mother's clothes and her make-up to look like an older Society lady who is chaperoning the young Alice. By sheer chance they happen to meet on their journey the dashingly handsome Duc de Montrichard, the Guardian of Château Chaumont, who on an impulse invites them to stay with him in his own sublime Château! And soon, while Alice's heart is fit to burst with excitement as they start to explore his Fairytale world, Lencia's is becoming filled with love for the dashing Duc. But, tragically, it seems that her love is doomed since it is based on deceit!
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O Duque seguiu seu instinto. Alguma coisa lhe dizia que Elfa tinha procurado refúgio no bosque. Correu pela trilha entre as árvores e finalmente chegou à clareira, onde ficava o pequeno lago, misterioso e encantador. Sobre a relva, viu algo brilhando ao luar. Era o vestido de Elfa. Então, das águas do lago cheias de lírios, surgiu uma figura esguia, uma ninfa etérea, de corpo prateado, como se de uma Deusa de tratasse. O Duque ficou paralisado, sem fôlego, com os olhos fixos naquela visão de sonho. A princípio, pensou que fosse uma alucinação, mas era Elfa, uma criatura linda e completamente nua, saindo da água, voluptuosamente…
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By edict of her Godmother, the Queen, lovely young Clotilda is shipped off to an obscure Balkan nation to marry its sexually depraved and sadistic reigning prince. Her reluctant escort is a dashing and devilish Marquis, loved by London Society's ladies as much as he's loathed by their jealous husbands. As his innocent young charge is attacked and then kidnapped by murderous brigands, he loses his heart - and the Marquis's royal punishment becomes an all-consuming labour of love.
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Zarina, rica heredera iba a ser casada por su tío y tutor con un anciano noble. Desesperada por la noticia sale a cabalgar y para su sorpresa descubre que "El Priorato" cuyas tierras colindan con las de ella están en subasta por las deudas de su propietario. Al saber que Rolfe, el hermano del fallecido heredero había llegado desde la India para supervisar la subasta, se le ocurre una idea. Con mucha renuencia Ralfe acepta su plan : ella paga las deudas de su hermano y el fingirá ser su prometido y se fugan. Todo marcha bien hasta que Zarina enferma gravemente en las Costas de Calcuta….y cuando despierta en el Palacio del Virrey todo había cambiado en su vida. Publicado originalmente bajo el Título de: -A Salvo en el Paraíso por Harlequin Ibérica S.A.-A Salvo en el Paraísopor Harmex S.A. de C.V.
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