Coolidge Susan
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Wolne Lektury
Forma i typ
Sekuła Aleksandra
Kozioł Paweł
Bekker Alfred
Vandenberg Patricia
Kochanowski Jan
Coolidge Susan
Doyle Arthur Conan
Wallace Edgar
Kotwica Wojciech
Konopnicka Maria
Kowalska Dorota
Cartland Barbara
Shakespeare William
Sienkiewicz Henryk (1846-1916)
Dickens Charles
Leśmian Bolesław
Mickiewicz Adam
Verne Jules
Boy-Żeleński Tadeusz
Krasicki Ignacy
Twain Mark
Buchner Friederike von
May Karol
Hackett Pete
Krzyżanowski Julian
Maybach Viola
Waidacher Toni
London Jack
Prus Bolesław
Poe Edgar Allan
Baczyński Krzysztof Kamil
Sienkiewicz Henryk
Roberts Nora (1950- )
May Karl
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Orzeszkowa Eliza
Conrad Joseph
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy (1812-1887)
Żeleński Tadeusz (1874-1941)
Żeromski Stefan (1864-1925)
Brand Max
Słowacki Juliusz
Jachowicz Stanisław
Balzac Honoré de
Otwinowska Barbara
Montgomery Lucy Maud
Christie Agatha (1890-1976)
King Stephen
Kipling Rudyard
Rawinis Marian Piotr
Marciniakówna Anna
Dönges Günter
Howard Robert E
Austen Jane
Mahr Kurt
Darlton Clark
Ewers H.G
Shakespeare William (1564-1616)
Andersen Hans Christian
Донцова Дарья
Barca Pedro Calderón de la
Siemianowski Roch (1950- )
Vega Lope de
Rolando Bianka
Trzeciak Weronika
Stevenson Robert Louis
Kühnemann Andreas
Калинина Дарья
Leblanc Maurice
Ziajkiewicz Artur
Czechowicz Józef
Francis H.G
Mickiewicz Adam (1798-1855)
Brzechwa Jan (1900-1966)
Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
Vlcek Ernst
Barner G.F
Wells H. G
Autores Varios
Verne Juliusz
Alcott Louisa May
Chávez José Pérez
Ellmer Arndt
Fabianowska Małgorzata
Żeromski Stefan
Curant Catrina
Korzeniewski Wiktor
Dołęga-Mostowicz Tadeusz
Montgomery Lucy Maud (1874-1942)
Palmer Roy
Szulc Andrzej
Wilde Oscar
Grey Zane
Voltz William
Liebert Jerzy
Drewnowski Jacek (1974- )
White Fred M
Biel Mirella
Goliński Zbigniew
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
Kraj wydania
powieść dla dzieci i młodzieży
17 wyników Filtruj
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In 'Clover', a delightful addition to the beloved Children's Books Series by Susan Coolidge, readers are transported to a charming world of innocence and coming-of-age experiences. The book narrates the story of Clover Carr, a young girl navigating the joys and challenges of adolescence with grace and resilience. Coolidge's gentle and poignant writing style captures the essence of childhood with vivid imagery and heartfelt emotions, making it a timeless classic in children's literature. Set in the late 19th century, the book provides a glimpse into a bygone era while addressing universal themes of family, friendship, and growing up. Throughout the narrative, readers will find themselves engrossed in Clover's journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Susan Coolidge's 'Clover' is a beautifully crafted tale that continues to resonate with readers of all ages. With its endearing characters and relatable storyline, this heartwarming novel is a must-read for anyone seeking a nostalgic and heartfelt literary experience.
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Susan Coolidge's 'Clover Carr Chronicles (Illustrated Edition)' is a timeless collection of heartwarming stories that follow the life of the young protagonist, Clover Carr, as she navigates the challenges and joys of growing up. Written in a charming and engaging literary style, the book captures the innocence and wonder of youth in the late 19th century setting. The illustrated edition enhances the reader's experience, bringing the characters and settings to life with vivid imagery. Coolidge's attention to detail and nuanced storytelling make this a delightful read for all ages. The themes of friendship, family, and personal growth resonate with readers even today, making the book a classic in children's literature. Susan Coolidge draws from her own experiences as a children's author and her deep understanding of young readers to craft a narrative that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. Her ability to capture the essence of childhood in a way that is both relatable and inspiring sets her apart as a beloved author in the genre. 'Clover Carr Chronicles (Illustrated Edition)' is a must-read for anyone looking to immerse themselves in a world of adventure, friendship, and the timeless lessons of youth.
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(Wolne Lektury)
ublikacja zrealizowana w ramach projektu Wolne Lektury ( Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury – państwowego funduszu celowego. Reprodukcja cyfrowa wykonana przez Bibliotekę Narodową w Warszawie z egzemplarza pochodzącego ze zbiorów Biblioteki.
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„Było to dobre, kochające dziecko, pomimo roztrzepania i pięknych postanowień wznawianych co tydzień, a nigdy niespełnianych”. Powieść Suzan Coolidge, tak jak wskazuje jej tytuł — Co Kasia robiła, przedstawia losy dwunastoletniej Kasi Carr. Główna bohaterka jest dziewczynką dzielną, upartą, kreatywną, a przede wszystkim — bardzo ambitną w dążeniu do realizacji swoich celów. W tym ostatnim nie przeszkadzają jej różne — czasem zabawne, czasem smutne — perypetie.Historia o Kasi Carr pierwszy raz ukazała się drukiem w 1872 roku i od razu zdobyła serce wielu młodych czytelniczek, nie tylko w Stanach Zjednoczonych, ale i w Europie. Mimo że od tamtej pory minęło prawie 150 lat i zaszło wiele zmian obyczajowych (np. dwunastoletnie dziewczynki nie muszą już opiekować się młodszym rodzeństwem) — wiele wątków poruszonych w książce nadal pozostaje aktualnymi. Dzisiejsi odbiorcy i odbiorczynie powieści Coolidge mogą przeżywać z główną bohaterką wspaniałe przygody, znajdować inspirację w jej zabawach, współczuć napotykanych trudności i cieszyć się z ich przezwyciężania. Mogą też podążać za Kasią, starając się z wytrwałością spełniać swoje marzenia — nawet te, które wydają się niemożliwe do realizacji.Co warto wiedzieć przed przeczytaniem powieści?Akcja książki rozgrywa się w fikcyjnym mieście Burnet w stanie Ohio (w Ameryce Północnej) w drugiej połowie XIX wieku. Bohaterowie i bohaterki chodzą do szkół zróżnicowanych ze względu na płeć (osobno chłopcy, osobno dziewczynki), a wyznawaną przez nich religią jest protestantyzm. Wiąże się to z uczestnictwem dzieci i młodzieży w zajęciach szkółki niedzielnej (odpowiednik współczesnych lekcji religii w szkołach) oraz częstą lekturą Pisma Świętego (a nawet uczeniem się jego fragmentów na pamięć). W czasach, w których toczy się akcja powieści, inaczej podchodzono także do spraw wychowania — młodszym rodzeństwem oraz obowiązkami domowymi mogły zajmować się starsze dzieci. I często to robiły!Jeśli coś w trakcie lektury okaże się dla Was niezrozumiałe — pytajcie. Wasi opiekunowie lub nauczyciele z pewnością wszystko Wam wyjaśnią. Książka Co Kasia robiła Suzan Coolidge dostępna jest jako e-book (EPUB i Mobi dla Kindle) oraz plik PDF. Audiobook czyta Joanna Niemirska.Książkę polecają Wolne Lektury — najpopularniejsza biblioteka on-line.Susan CoolidgeCo Kasia robiłatłum. Zofia GrabowskaEpoka: Pozytywizm Rodzaj: Epika Gatunek: powieść dla dzieci i młodzieży
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In 'In the High Valley - Katy Karr Chronicles', Susan Coolidge continues the heartwarming story of Katy Carr, a young girl navigating the trials and triumphs of life in the late 19th century. The book is written in a gentle, nostalgic style, reminiscent of classic children's literature, with a focus on the importance of family, friendship, and personal growth. Set in a picturesque high valley, the vivid descriptions transport readers to a simpler time and place, allowing them to experience Katy's adventures alongside her. Coolidge's attention to detail and emotional depth make this a standout in the beloved children's book collection. The themes of perseverance and self-discovery will resonate with readers of all ages, making it a timeless and cherished read.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "IN THE HIGH VALLEY (Katy Karr Chronicles)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. In the High Valley – Belongs to What Katy Did series and narrates the story of the cousins from Britain, Lionel and Imogen, on a visit to their American counterparts. Clover, Katy Carr's sister, is now happily married. She is at her wits end with Imogen's prejudices and Katy makes a comeback. "Curly Locks" – is an additional short story which shows Dr. Carr, the father of Katy and Clover, with one of his little patients. Susan Coolidge, pen name of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey (1835–1905), was an American children's author who is best known for her Katy Carr Series. The fictional Carr family of this series was modeled after Woolsey's own family and the protagonist Katy Carr was inspired by Woolsey herself; while the brothers and sisters "Little Carrs" were modeled on her four younger siblings.
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Susan Coolidge's 'Katy Carr - Complete Illustrated Series' delves into the life of Katy, a spirited and independent young girl growing up in the late 19th century. The series beautifully captures Katy's coming of age journey, filled with heartwarming vignettes and life lessons. Coolidge's writing style is characterized by its gentle and engaging tone, making it a timeless classic for readers of all ages. The series reflects the literary context of children's literature of the Victorian era, focusing on moral development and family values. The charming illustrations further bring the story to life, making it a delightful read for both children and adults alike. Susan Coolidge, pen name for Sarah Chauncey Woolsey, drew inspiration from her own childhood experiences and her work as a children's author and editor. Her deep understanding of the emotional and intellectual needs of young readers shines through in the 'Katy Carr' series, making it a beloved classic in children's literature. I highly recommend 'Katy Carr - Complete Illustrated Series' to those who appreciate engaging storytelling, timeless values, and beautifully illustrated books. Coolidge's exploration of family, friendship, and personal growth will surely resonate with readers of all generations.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "KATY CARR Complete Series: What Katy Did, What Katy Did at School, What Katy Did Next, Clover, In the High Valley & Curly Locks (Illustrated)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. What Katy Did is an 1872 children's book which follows the adventures of a twelve-year-old American girl, Katy Carr, and her family who live in the fictional lakeside Ohio town of Burnet in the 1860s. Katy is a tall untidy tomboy, forever getting into scrapes but wishing to be beautiful and beloved. When a terrible accident makes her an invalid, her illness and four-year recovery gradually teach her to be as good and kind as she has always wanted. Two sequels follow Katy as she grows up: What Katy Did at School and What Katy Did Next. Two further sequels relating the adventures of Katy's younger siblings were also published—Clover and In the High Valley. Also their father, Dr. Carr, a hard working doctor feature in a short story titled "Curly Locks" thus completing the entire Carr Family Chronicle. Susan Coolidge, pen name of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey (1835–1905), was an American children's author who is best known for her Katy Carr Series. The fictional Carr family of this series was modeled after Woolsey's own family and the protagonist Katy Carr was inspired by Woolsey herself; while the brothers and sisters "Little Carrs" were modeled on her four younger siblings.
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Lo que hizo Katy / Susan Coolidge. - [miejsce nieznane] : Siruela : Legimi, 2018.
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Un clásico de la literatura infantil inédito en castellano. Una lección sobre el valor de ser positivo y no rendirse ante las desventuras. Katy Carr es una niña aventurera, traviesa, valiente e impulsiva. A sus doce años le encanta saltar vallas, sentarse en los tejados, ir de pícnic con sus hermanos y hermanas aunque a su tía Izzie le horrorice... Un día, un trágico accidente cambia la vida de toda la familia. Entonces Katy deberá encontrar el valor para recordar sus sueños y seguir adelante con los fabulosos planes que alguna vez tuvo. Lo que hizo Katy es una historia fresca, alegre, divertida y conmovedora; y su intrépida protagonista, un personaje entrañable al que miles de lectores llevan en el corazón desde hace casi ciento cincuenta años.
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Un clásico de la literatura infantil, fresco y vibrante, que sigue entusiasmando a lectores de todas las edades. Ya está decidido. Katy y su hermana pequeña Clover pasarán el año en el estricto internado de Hillsover, un lugar que a las niñas les parece demasiado extraño y alejado de su hogar. ¿Conseguirán adaptarse y hacer nuevas amigas? ¿Cómo sobrevivirán tan lejos de casa? Cuando llegan allí, las recibe la directora, la señora Florence, una mujer alta, seria y muy estricta: ¡hay nada menos que treinta y dos normas que las alumnas deben cumplir! Y con la señorita Jane siempre al acecho para sorprenderlas en la más mínima falta, Katy teme que sea más difícil de lo que esperaba no meterse en líos. Entonces conoce a Rose Red, ingeniosa y siempre con ganas de divertirse. Con las amigas adecuadas, Katy no podrá evitar vivir todo tipo de peripecias.Lo que hizo Katy en la escuela continúa las aventuras y desventuras de la inolvidable Katy Carr, quien ahora aprenderá nuevas lecciones sobre la amistad y la vida.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "SUSAN COOLIDGE Ultimate Collection: 7 Novels, 35+ Short Stories, Essays & Poems; Including Complete Katy Carr Series (Illustrated)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Susan Coolidge (Biography) Katy Carr Chronicles: What Katy Did What Katy Did at School What Katy Did Next Clover In the High Valley "Curly Locks" (A Short Story) Other Novels: A Little Country Girl Eyebright: A Story Short Stories & Collections: Nine Little Goslings Just Sixteen Not Quite Eighteen A Round Dozen Who Ate the Pink Sweetmeat? Little Roger's Night in the Church The Engineer's Story Non-Fiction The Letters of Jane Austen A Short History of the City of Philadelphia, From Its Foundation to the Present Time Poems: Verses (Poetry Collection) A Few More Verses Last Verses Five Giving to All, Thou Gavest As Well to Me Benediction Five Little Buds Grouped Round the Parent Stem Susan Coolidge, pen name of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey (1835–1905), was an American children's author who is best known for her Katy Carr Series. The fictional Carr family of this series was modeled after Woolsey's own family and the protagonist Katy Carr was inspired by Woolsey herself; while the brothers and sisters "Little Carrs" were modeled on her four younger siblings.
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The Collected Works of Susan Coolidge brings together an impressive collection of the author's literary output, including 7 novels, over 35 short stories, essays, and poems, all accompanied by illustrations. Coolidge's writing style is characterized by its warmth, charm, and insightful exploration of family relationships, coming-of-age themes, and the lives of women in 19th-century America. Her works provide a window into the social and cultural landscape of the time, making them valuable pieces of historical fiction. Coolidge's engaging narratives and vivid descriptions make her stories a delight to read, appealing to fans of classic literature and those interested in the domestic novel genre. Susan Coolidge, the pen name of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey, was an American author known for her popular What Katy Did series. Her own experiences as a children's book author and her deep understanding of human emotions and relationships likely influenced her diverse body of work. Coolidge's feminist perspective and thoughtful portrayals of female characters set her apart as a progressive voice in the literary world of her time. I highly recommend delving into The Collected Works of Susan Coolidge for a rich and rewarding reading experience. Whether you are a fan of classic literature, historical fiction, or simply enjoy beautifully written stories, Coolidge's works are sure to captivate and inspire.
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What Katy Did is an 1872 children's book written by Sarah Chauncey Woolsey under her pen name Susan Coolidge. It follows the adventures of a twelve-year-old American girl, Katy Carr, and her family who live in the fictional lakeside Ohio town of Burnet in the 1860s. Katy is a tall untidy tomboy, forever getting into scrapes but wishing to be beautiful and beloved. When a terrible accident makes her an invalid, her illness and four-year recovery gradually teach her to be as good and kind as she has always wanted. Two sequels follow Katy as she grows up: What Katy Did at School and What Katy Did Next. Two further sequels relating the adventures of Katy's younger siblings were also published—Clover and In the High Valley. The books were frequently reprinted and all are available online. Coolidge modeled Katy on her own childhood self, and the other 'Little Carrs' on her brothers and sisters. The title is a play on the katydid, a family of insects – which explains the insects on the first edition book cover. 12-year-old Katy Carr lives with her widowed father and her two brothers and three sisters in Burnet, a small midwestern town. Her father is a very busy doctor who works long hours; the children are mostly in the care of his sister Aunt Izzie, who is very particular and something of a scold. Bright, headstrong Katy can hardly avoid getting into mischief almost daily under these circumstances, but she is unfailingly remorseful afterward. She dreams of someday doing something "grand" with her life: painting famous pictures, saving the lives of drowning people, or leading a crusade on a white horse. She also wants to be "beautiful, of course, and good if I can." When her mother died four years earlier, Katy promised to be a little mother to her siblings, but mainly she is the kind of big sister who is sometimes impatient or cross with them, but leads them into all sorts of exciting adventures.
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Susan Coolidge's 'What Katy Did - Complete Illustrated Trilogy' is a timeless classic that follows the life of Katy Carr, a young girl who navigates the ups and downs of growing up with courage and kindness. Written in the 19th century, Coolidge's literary style is both heartwarming and insightful, offering readers a glimpse into the challenges and joys of adolescence. The trilogy's themes of resilience, forgiveness, and self-discovery make it a poignant and enduring work of children's literature. The vivid illustrations that accompany the text further enhance the reading experience, bringing Katy's world to life with charm and depth.
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Susan Coolidge's 'What Katy Did Next' is a charming tale that follows the adventures of Katy Carr as she embarks on a journey to Europe with her Aunt Izzie. Set in the late 19th century, the novel offers a delightful mix of vivid descriptions of foreign landscapes and the growth of its main character. Coolidge's writing style is characterized by its warmth and simplicity, making it accessible to readers of all ages. The book stands out as a classic work of children's literature, focusing on themes of personal development and self-discovery. With its beautifully illustrated edition, 'What Katy Did Next' remains a timeless tale that continues to captivate readers today. Susan Coolidge drew inspiration for the novel from her own experiences traveling in Europe, adding a touch of authenticity to Katy's adventures. Coolidge's deep understanding of human nature and her ability to craft engaging narratives shine through in this beloved story. I highly recommend 'What Katy Did Next' to readers who enjoy heartwarming tales of growth and exploration, as well as those interested in the history of children's literature.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "WHAT KATY DID NEXT (Illustrated)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. What Katy Did Next – is a part of the Katy Carr Adventure Series where Katy, now a 21 years old young woman, accepts her neighbor Polly Ash's invitation to visit Europe along with Little Polly, Mrs. Ash's daughter. The world of travel, quite different from their expectations, illicit great humor and adventure and it's here that Katy finds her true love! Susan Coolidge, pen name of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey (1835–1905), was an American children's author who is best known for her Katy Carr Series. The fictional Carr family of this series was modeled after Woolsey's own family and the protagonist Katy Carr was inspired by Woolsey herself; while the brothers and sisters "Little Carrs" were modeled on her four younger siblings.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "WHAT KATY DID TRILOGY – What Katy Did, What Katy Did at School & What Katy Did Next (Illustrated)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. What Katy Did is an 1872 children's book which follows the adventures of a twelve-year-old American girl, Katy Carr, and her family who live in the fictional lakeside Ohio town of Burnet in the 1860s. Katy is a tall untidy tomboy, forever getting into scrapes but wishing to be beautiful and beloved. When a terrible accident makes her an invalid, her illness and four-year recovery gradually teach her to be as good and kind as she has always wanted. Two sequels follow Katy as she grows up: What Katy Did at School and What Katy Did Next. While the next two books after this trilogy, Clover and In the High Valley, narrate the story of Clover, Katy's younger sister. Susan Coolidge, pen name of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey (1835–1905), was an American children's author who is best known for her Katy Carr Series. The fictional Carr family of this series was modeled after Woolsey's own family and the protagonist Katy Carr was inspired by Woolsey herself; while the brothers and sisters "Little Carrs" were modeled on her four younger siblings.
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